Welcome to the magical season of Winter!
I am so excited to have some wintery chill in the air. I love my frosty morning walks, the crunch of ice under my feet as I walk on the grass, the steaming of my windows as the house warms in the morning, and the magic of my steamy breath lingering in the air. There is something magical in that ritual of lighting the fire, snuggling in your dressing gown and slippers with a hot cup of tea, nose cold belly warm. on
June is a very special month for our family, We love to celebrate winter solstice together, (Yule). Generally, we sit together for a meal, we take time to write down and burn all that we wish to release in the Yule fire. We take time to honour the masculine energy of the sun, as from this day on the days start to once again become longer. We also honour that energy within all of us, it is the energy that helps us ‘get things done’, take action, it is courage, leadership, integrity, and even emotional endurance. These are all wonderful qualities, which when in balance with the nurturing, softer feminine energy’s, allows us to be well rounded, productive human beings.

If you would like to celebrate this time of year, the solstice falls on 21 June, at 6:50 am. This is the official time of winter beginning according to the placement of the sun, and it will last 93 days. (Our calanders are always a little off for the sake of ease in global scheduling). You might like to hold a family gathering, so here is a list below to help you put something together.
🧡 Host a bonfire
🧡 Make a special hot beverage or meal to share.
🧡 Traditionally foods, we made here at home and in pagan traditions, involve quite a bit of orange and yellow-coloured foods, think warm pumpkin pie, and warming spices, like ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. Stewed apples, or apple pies.
🧡 Decorate with yellow and orange candles, pine cones, or pine leaf, holly, and dried oranges.
🧡 Have a warm ritual bath, with a carrier oil of choice mixed with a few drops of seasonal essential oils.
🧡 Write down and burn all that you wish to let go of. You might like to do this with friends or family, and you might like to take turns reading it out loud. This helps with accountability and support.
🧡 Share or reflect on what you are grateful for.
🧡 Give thanks for your pantry cupboard and food supplies. Food is very hard to grow in winter, it is marvellous that we live in a part of the world where we have access to plentiful food supplies. This is not the way it has always been, in past times we would now be reliant on preserved foods, (hence the existence of canned goods) and lots of flour and grains, to make bread, dumplings etc.
I hope this inspires you, and if you do go ahead I would love to see what you do! If you post to Instagram, feel free to tag the_awen_room so we can share the magic of the season with as many people as possible!
This year June is extra special to me as I also turn 50! My goodness what a treat! I have never felt so happy to have a birthday on the horizon! I feel so grateful to be planning a celebration. 🙏🏻🥰
Blessed be
Angela 🧡